lunes, 15 de octubre de 2018


I agree with my results. My highest intelligence percentatge is musical 100%,
 and linguistic is the lowest.

LINGUISTIC: I agree with de results because I am a person who doesn't like reading or writing so much that I do a lot of mistakes

LOGICAL-MATHEMATICAL: I agree with de results because I'm not a person who costs mathematics 

VISUAL-SPATIAL: I don't agree with the results because I am not a very original and good person in plastic arts.

I agree with the result because I believe that I am a person that control my actions and I put me limits.

INTERPERSONAL: I don't agree to lot with the results because I do not listen very well to people but I give myself good advice.

 agree with the result of 100% because I consider me good at music and I love music and make me happpy listen to music ab¡nd play my favourite instrumetn the Piano.

BODILY-KINESTHETIC: I don't like sport and I don't agree with the results.

NATURALISTIC: the results are true because I like the nature and the animals. but I don't like a wild landscapes

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